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LaGeografia adalah open journal system yang menggunakan sistem peer-review pada jurnal yang di submit yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Pendidikan Geografi, Jurusan Geografi, Universitas Negeri Makassar. LaGeografia adalah jurnal Open-Access dan diterbitkan tiga kali setahun setiap bulan Oktober, Februari, dan Juni. Artikel/Jurnal yang diterbitkan dengan aim dan scope seputar Pendidikan Geografi dan Sosial Geografi.
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Potensi dan Upaya Pemanfaatan Air Tanah untuk Meningkatkan Kehidupan Sosial Ekonomi Petani di Desa Lise Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang Tannaim, Anida; Hasriyanti, Hasriyanti; Nasiah, Nasiah
LaGeografia Vol 18, No 1 (2019): Oktober

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (764.969 KB) | DOI: 10.35580/lga.v18i1.10975


This study aims to determine the potential and efforts to utilize groundwater, the comparison of production result between irrigation and rainfed farmers and how the socio-economic life of farmers in Lise’ village, Pancalautang sub district, Sidenreng Rappang district. This research is quantitative descriptive. Data collection is done through observation, questionnaires and documentation. With data processing techniques with descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistical analysis. The population in this study were 400 families, while the sample of this study was 80 families. Efforts to utilize ground water in Lise village for agricultural development have been carried out by the Ministry of PUPR through Groundwater Utilization (PAT) in the Central Pompengan-Jeneberang River Basin by drilling deep wells and shallow wells. The existence of groundwater irrigation in the village of Lise can help farmers to increase the yield of rice every year, where the comparison between the production of farmers in the irrigation group and rain fed groups with the difference in the difference is 0,8200 to 40,000. As for the socio-economic life of farmers in the village Lise 'can be said to be good. This is because most people choose to become farmers both cultivators and others. Farming experience for farmers affects land processing due to the amount of knowledge that has been applied. And affect the amount of production so that it can increase farmers' income.
LaGeografia Vol 18, No 1 (2019): Oktober

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (908.059 KB) | DOI: 10.35580/lageografia.v18i1.11131


The importance of research is to provide a description of wastewater content in Makassar polytechnics in the kitchen, through  experimental research methods, by taking wastewater samples from practical kitchens, laboratory test results provide results data obtained from chemical Oxygen Demand supply, wastewater discharged directly into sewers Will not meet the requirements for wastewater quality standards. The wastewater treatment model in polytechnics is still not feasible and is not environmentally friendly, steps need to be taken to make wastewater installations.
Deskripsi Tentang Pemanfaatan Sumber Mata Air Jompi Kelurahan Laende Kecamatan Katobu Kabupaten Muna Vebrianti, Vebrianti; Amaluddin, La Ode; Musyawarah, Rahma
LaGeografia Vol 18, No 1 (2019): Oktober

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (960.695 KB) | DOI: 10.35580/lga.v18i1.10976


Raha City is located on the coast of the Buton Strait, the capital of Muna Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province. The total area of this city is 47.11 km2 consisting of 12 villages and 7 villages. Laende Urban Village Katobu Sub-District is a Sub-District which mostly utilizes Jompi spring to fulfill their daily needs. The purpose of this study was (1) to determine the environmental condition of the Jompi spring Laende Village Katobu District Muna Regency, (2) to describe the utilization of the Jompi spring Laende Village Katobu District Muna Regency. This research method uses qualitative descriptive research methods. Data collection techniques used were interviews and documentation study. The results of the research show that (1) the Jompi Spring Area which functions as a water catchment protected area and around the spring, physical and environmental conditions have experienced a decline with a lot of garbage, a decrease in water discharge based on data from the Duna Irrigation District of Muna, debit from the spring Jompi in 2010 amounted to ± 25 liters / second. In this case it means that the debit has decreased ten times since the previous decade by ± 50 liters / second, and experienced sedimentation in spring one, which was caused by flooding submissions from rivers in Labaha Village (2) Sources of Jompi spring most of it is used to meet the clean water needs of the people of Raha City that are accommodated by the PDAM and then distributed to the homes of residents not only that the source of water is also used for berendan and recreation. As for the remote areas in the city of water in the sub-education through pickup cars that are paid 25 thousand
Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Dengan Penggunaan Media Peta Pada Materi Pengetahuan Dasar Pemetaaan Siswa Kelas X IPS-2 SMAN 1 Wangi-Wangi Dewi, Chindy Citra; Surdin, Surdin; Amaluddin, La Ode
LaGeografia Vol 18, No 1 (2019): Oktober

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (865.859 KB) | DOI: 10.35580/lga.v18i1.10970


SMAN 1 Wangi-Wangi is one of the schools in Wakatobi Regency which is the location of research because the learning outcomes are still low. The purpose of this study is(1) To find out student learning activities by using map media on basic knowledge mapping materials. (2) To find out the teaching activities of teachers by using map media on basic knowledge mapping materials.(3) To find out the geography learning outcomes of students of cl ass X IPS-2 of SMA Negeri 1 Wangi-Wangi by using map media on mapping basic knowledge material. This research is a classroom action research (CAR) and the data of this study using activity observation sheets that contain student learning activities and teacher teaching activities, while to obtain student geography learning outcomes by conducting tests as a research method.From the results of the study showed that: (1) student learning activities obtained an average score of 3.5 which is categorized as good.(2) teacher teaching activities obtained an average score of 3.4 which is categorized as good. (3) the geography learning outcomes of students of class X IPS-2 SMAN 1 obtained an average score of 79, with 81% completeness or there were 26 students from 32 students with a value of ≥ 70 according to the KKM of geography subjects.So, it can be concluded that after the implementation of cycle 1 and cycle 2 by using map media on student learning activities, teacher teaching activities, and student learning outcomes have increased.SMAN 1 Wangi-Wangi is one of the schools in Wakatobi Regency which is the location of research because the learning outcomes are still low. The purpose of this study is(1) To find out student learning activities by using map media on basic knowledge mapping materials. (2) To find out the teaching activities of teachers by using map media on basic knowledge mapping materials.(3) To find out the geography learning outcomes of students of cl ass X IPS-2 of SMA Negeri 1 Wangi-Wangi by using map media on mapping basic knowledge material. This research is a classroom action research (CAR) and the data of this study using activity observation sheets that contain student learning activities and teacher teaching activities, while to obtain student geography learning outcomes by conducting tests as a research method.From the results of the study showed that: (1) student learning activities obtained an average score of 3.5 which is categorized as good.(2) teacher teaching activities obtained an average score of 3.4 which is categorized as good. (3) the geography learning outcomes of students of class X IPS-2 SMAN 1 obtained an average score of 79, with 81% completeness or there were 26 students from 32 students with a value of ≥ 70 according to the KKM of geography subjects.So, it can be concluded that after the implementation of cycle 1 and cycle 2 by using map media on student learning activities, teacher teaching activities, and student learning outcomes have increased.
LaGeografia Vol 18, No 1 (2019): Oktober

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (699.602 KB) | DOI: 10.35580/lga.v18i1.10969


This research is A qualitative research aimed intends to understand the phenomena about what is experienced by research subjects that aim to determine people's perceptions of the A?lammang  Tradition and know the efforts made by the Government and the community to preserve the A?lammang  tradition. The A?lammang  tradition is a tradition carried out by the community in Lantang Village, Polombangkeng Selatan District, Takalar Regency, the implementation of which is on Friday, the first week after the rice harvest. The A?lammang  tradition is a form of gratitude for the people in Lantang Village for the rice harvest they have obtained. The tradition that only exists in Lantang Village originates from the existence of deep rivers and the water never dries in the dry and rainy seasons, so the village near the river is named Lantang. After conducting research, it can be concluded that the Government considers the A?lammang  Tradition as a cultural asset in the Lantang Village, with the existence of this tradition will make the Lantang village better known to the outside community and will preserve the A?lammang  Tradition as a cultural asset in the Lantang village.
Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Integrated Reading And Composition (Circ) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas Hasriyanti, Hasriyanti
LaGeografia Vol 18, No 1 (2019): Oktober

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (616.065 KB) | DOI: 10.35580/lga.v18i1.10974


This research aims to determine the differences geography with use  Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition  (CIRC) with konvensional model in subject matter hidrosphere in Senior High School 3 Makassar. The study was a quasy experimental design involving two groups were taught using Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) model and the group that wastaught using conventional learning models. The population in this study were all students of class X Senior High School 3 Makassar and sample are students of class X3 and X4 with purposive sampling. Technic data collection is done by giving a pre – test and post- test. The data were analyzed with descriptive and inferential techniques. Descriptive analysis showed that: (1) the study of students taught with conventional learning model gained an average score 65,25 Value obtained the percentage of students in the category of very less 0 % Category less 2.77 %, category 36.11 % enough , 61.12 %  good category and the category of very good 0 %. (2) the study of students taught with Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) learning model gained an average score 79,05 Value obtained the percentage of students in the category of very less 0% Category less 0 %, category 0 % enough , 88,57 % good category and the category of very good11,43 %. (3) According to the result is  Thitung  = 10.410 with  Ttabel = 1,671 with the value α use the  0,05 (5 %) with  df 69. Jadi Thitung < Ttabel, point to that P-value for t-test is 0,000. Hal ini berarti 0,000 < 0,05, maka H0 ditolak. Berdasarkan nilai signifikasnsi tersebut, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap hasil belajar geografi antara siswa yang belajar dengan model CIRC.
Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Ttw (Think Talk Write) Dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas X Iis 1 Sma Negeri 2 Kulisusu Pada Mata Pelajaran Geografi Wati, Trisna; Kasmiati, Sitti; Nursalam, La Ode
LaGeografia Vol 18, No 1 (2019): Oktober

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (885.174 KB) | DOI: 10.35580/lga.v18i1.10977


SMA Negeri 2 Kulisusu is one of the schools in North Buton Regency which is the object of research by researchers because student learning outcomes are still low. The purposes of this study are: (1) To see a picture of student learning activities through the application of the Think Talk Write (TTW) learning model in class X IIS 1 of SMA Negeri 2 Kulisusu; (2) To see the description of teacher teaching activities through the application of the Think Talk Write (TTW) learning model in class X IIS 1 of SMA Negeri 2 Kulisusu; (3) To see a picture of an increase in the learning outcomes of grade X IIS 1 students at SMA Negeri 2 Kulisusu by using the Think Talk Write learning model. The data in this study are qualitative and quantitative data obtained from observation sheets and learning outcomes tests. Based on the results of data analysis, it was found that: (1) in the first cycle the average score of student learning activities was 2,4 which was categorized sufficiently increased in the second cycle to 3,6 which was categorized as good; (2) in the first cycle the average score of the teaching activities of the teachers was 2,5 which was categorized sufficiently increased in the second cycle to 3,6 which was categorized as good; and (3) an increase in geography learning outcomes of students of class X IIS 1 of SMA Negeri 2 Kulisusu from cycle I to cycle II. In the first cycle showed that 21 students who scored   75 with an average value of 75,3. Furthermore, the results of the second cycle test showed a significant increase because there were 28 students who scored   75 with an average score of 81,3.
Dampak Pabrik Aspal pada Kondisi Sosial-Ekonomi Masyarakat di Desa Pana, Kecamatan Alla, Kabupaten Enrekang Nurfahraini, Zarah; Arfan, Amal; Invanni, Ichsan
LaGeografia Vol 18, No 1 (2019): Oktober

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (786.261 KB) | DOI: 10.35580/lga.v18i1.10972


This study aims to determine: 1) the socio-economic conditions of the community before the asphalt processing, 2) the socio-economic conditions of the community in the presence of asphalt processing, 3) the presence or absence of the impact of the existence of asphalt processing on the socio-economic conditions in Pana Village, Alla District, Regency Enrekang. This research method uses quantitative descriptive analysis of descriptive statistical data and inferential statistics. The population of this study were 300 people with a sample of 75 that was determined using the Slovin formula with an error rate of 10%. The results showed that the socio-economic conditions of the community prior to the asphalt processing were included in the high category and the socio-economic conditions of the community in the presence of asphalt processing were still in the high category. Based on the results of the SPSS analysis it appears that the value of p (sig. (2-tailed)) is 0.100> 0.05 indicating that the presence of asphalt processing does not have a significant impact on the socio-economic conditions of the community in Pana Hamlet. The data in the field also proves that there are several factors that make the existence of asphalt processing not have a significant impact on the socio-economic conditions of the community, such as: labor recruitment is still small due to the asphalt processing location which is still categorized as small industries. being able to work in that location, the community does not have a contribution in the operation of asphalt processing, the existence of asphalt processing only provides an increase in income for its workers rather than the people who do not work in that location
Analisis Pemanfaatan Hutan Mangrove dan Kontribusinya Terhadap Pendapatan Rumah Tangga Masyarakat di Pulau Tanakeke Kabupaten Takalar Saputro, Alief; Nyompa, Sukri; Arfan, Amal
LaGeografia Vol 18, No 1 (2019): Oktober

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (778.413 KB) | DOI: 10.35580/lga.v18i1.10978


This research is a type of qualitative research with the sampling technique used was purposive sampling with a sample size of 38 respondents. Data collection techniques used are 1) observation techniques, 2) interview techniques, 3) documentation techniques. The results of this study are 1) the people of Tanakeke Island, Takalar Regency use the mangrove forest as a place to meet the needs and improve the family's economy or take fisheries resources to be marketed, some people use the magrove forest to take firewood and some are included in the farmer group, 2) Tanakeke Island community Takalar Regency manages mangrove forests with mangrove nursery activities, participates in mangrove planting on its own / group / agency initiative, cleansing land for mangrove planting activities and the community manages mangrove forests by caring for mangrove ecosystems that have been planted, 3) Contribution of forests mangrove by 66.13% of the household household income on Tanakeke Island, Takalar Regency.
Kajian Tingkat Kesejahteraan Pewalet di Kecamatan Duampanua Kabupaten Pinrang Fadillah, Nurul; Zhiddiq, Sulaiman; Abbas, Ibrahim
LaGeografia Vol 18, No 1 (2019): Oktober

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (514.43 KB) | DOI: 10.35580/lga.v18i1.10973


The purpose of this study is what is the level of income concerned has a positive impact on the level of welfare of their household. the population in this study were 117 owner of swallow  in District Duampanua all of swallow owners are drawn into the research sample.this study uses quantitative and qualitative of data. Data collection is done by observation, interviews, questionnaires and documentation techniques.The analysis techniques of data use quantitative and qualitative approaches. From the results of the research, the high category of swallow owners' welfare, namely health and nutrition, the level and pattern of consumption, housing and the environment while including the category of population, education, social and other employment. the results of the analysis show that the number of swallow owners who are included in the high level of welfare is 3 respondent. The results of the analysis show that the number of swallow owners who are included in the high level of welfare is 3 respondent.

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